Friday, April 1, 2011

Cheat Point Blank Hack Char

 Pake FD .. ... select dll terus inject, cabut FD terus klik ok baru resume ....

Features :
[*] NUMPAD1 = Char Hack and Beret GM
[*] NUMPAD2 = Char Hack and Beret SG
[*] NUMPAD3 = Char Hack and Beret Assault
[*] NUMPAD4 = Char Hack and Beret AWP
[*] NUMPAD5 = Char Hack and Beret SMG
[*] NUMPAD6 = Char Hack and Beret Secondary
[*] NUMPAD0 = Reset Char Hack and Beret
[*] INSERT = Spion Mode
